Very recently students and workers all around rejoiced as their final work hour ended two Fridays ago. They were not jubilant for another regular weekend, however. The cause of this excitement was none other than the much waited Fall Break. After three months of rotting in a school or work desk, after the leisure enjoyed during the summer, Fall Break was welcomed with open arms.
But how do you spend this break? Some might travel to a nearby destination to enjoy the week, some would prefer cashing on the couch, leaving only to eat, and some could be found…working. I, however, chose to drive to the nearby beach for a few days.
(An overhead look of the beach and nearby port)
While on the hour long car ride heading there, I had high hopes for the few days there, seeing as to how none of the nearby schools were given this break and it was a weekday, thus leaving the beach unpopulated, and open only for me and my family. When I arrived, however, it was more desolated than expected. Although it was nice being able to have an entire beach to myself, I soon realized something that quickly ruined the highly anticipated break. Due to the lack of people, the resort had closed down all the main attractions.
The resort offered a wide variety of entertainment, varying from movies, to jet skis and banana boats, to a pool, and so forth. When I got there, however, none of these were open. The Jet Ski deck was deserted, the cinema was quiet, and the pool was being disinfected and refilled. This left two unhappy boys alone on a small beach with nothing to do for three days, which eventually lead to recreational violence. While I could go on rambling about the horrible time I had during the break, I would much rather people continue to listen to me. So heed my advice, never, and I mean never, go to an empty beach resort. You’ll regret it.
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